Albania Beef

Albania Beef

Facts about beef in Albania

  • Albania’s beef consumption is projected 38-000 metric tons in 2014 – the same as 2013 and 2012
  • Albania’s food is based very heavily on meat- particularly lamb and beef- and cooked in a typically Middle Eastern style. That’s why their yearly consumption and production still hasn’t changed since 2012.
  • Meat dishes are appreciated in Albanian cuisine for their consistency. Meats that are widely used in these dishes range from beef and veal to poultry and fish.
  • Beef consumption in Albania is so much lesser than other countries such as Canada- Germany and UK.
  • The average value for Albania Meat (beef) production- in million international USD during the year 1961 to 2012 was 56.48 million international USD with a minimum of 16.21 million international USD in 1964 and a maximum of 102.15 million international USD in 2012.