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Benin Beef
Facts about beef in Benin
- Consumption of bush meat- which hitherto was a special delicacy in the ancient city- is now a rarity. The hitherto “essential” meat which used to sell for as much as N2-500 per lap is now avoided even when the price has been slashed by about 40 per cent.
- Records shows that last 2009 Benin has about 20.9 kg per person per year which was recorded as increasing since year 2000 which only has 16.1 kg/person/year.
- Beninese cuisine is known in Africa for its exotic ingredients and flavorful dishes. Beninese cuisine involves lots of fresh meals served with a variety of sauces. Meat is usually quite expensive- and meals are generally light on meat and generous on vegetable fat.
- Benin is one of the countries in Africa with great consumption of meat- but there is not enough domestic production to go around so UK- sees a good evolution of read met export on the country- since there’s good demand.
- Due to the outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease in Benin- meat consumption has decreased respectively.