India Beef

India Beef

Facts about beef in India

  • According to data collected by the FAO- India consumes the least amount of meat in the entire world with just 3.2 kilograms per capita.
  • An estimated 1.5 million cows- valued at up to $500 million- are smuggled out of India annually- which some analysts say provide more than 50% of beef consumed in neighboring Bangladesh.
  • Even in India- where the prevalence of Hinduism makes vegetarian diets popular — the average Indian eats roughly one tenth the amount of meat the average American does — per capita meat consumption rose to a record high in 2011.
  • despite traditional religious beliefs about the sacredness of cows- India- along with Pakistan- is responding to growing consumer demand for more-western diets by increasing beef produc­tion and slaughter
  • Indians eat more beef than any other meat. Beef consumption in India is double the combined consumption of meat and chicken- India is also the third largest exporter of beef